Bộ clips học tiếng Nhật: Let’s Learn Japanese (4.21 GB)


25 2011

Bộ clips học tiếng Nhật: Let’s Learn Japanese (4.21 GB)

Let’s Learn Japanese is a Japanese course for English speakers from Japan Foundation.

The two seasons that were made were originally aired on TV in a one chapter/day fashion. Additional text books which complement the series were also available, these contained vocabulary lists, explanations of grammar, transcriptions of scene’s from within the programme and cultural information about Japan. Both seasons used excerpts from the series Yan and the Japanese People, which shows the experiences of a young man named Yan (played by Nick Muhrin) who has just arrived in Japan.

Series one of “Let’s Learn Japanese” was made in 1984 and 1985. It was presented by Mary Althaus and featured a number of skits, staring Mine-san, Sugihara-san and Kaihô-san, which were designed to help the viewer memorise, and practice the use of, new words and grammatical structures. The series also followed the story of Yan’s new life in Japan working as an architect.

Series two was created in 1995 - 10 years after the end of the first series - and was presented by Tae Umino. The skits were performed by Andò-san, Koyanagi-san and kodama-san. In this series the story of Yan is continued only this time it is much darker and more interesting. Yan’s heart is torn asunder by the young lady he had a crush on in series one and he goes to Niigata to drown his sorrows in the wild winter Sea of Japan.

Let’s Learn Japanese Basic I

Lesson 01: “I’m Yan”
Lesson 02: “What’s that?”
Lesson 03: “There’s a Cat.”
Lesson 04: “Where is it?”
Lesson 05: “Please give me some stamps.”
Lesson 06: “Please turn left at the next corner.”
Lesson 07: “May I look at this?”
Lesson 08: “May I write with a pencil?”
Lesson 09: “She gets up at 6 o’clock every morning.”
Lesson 10: “He doesn’t drink milk.
Lesson 11: “I went to Nikko”
Lesson 12: “When did you go”
Lesson 13: “Watching a Baseball Game”
Lesson 14: “He’s Drinking beer while watching TV”
Lesson 15: “It’s Hot Every Day”
Lesson 16: “Is It Hot Enough”
Lesson 17: “I Want To Drink Some Cold Beer”
Lesson 18: “Do You Dislike Fish”
Lesson 19: “Mt. Fuji will come into view before long”
Lesson 20: “It Looks Good”
Lesson 21: “I can’t speak English”
Lesson 22: “Is it possible to see the model room”
Lesson 23: “Why aren’t cars passing”
Lesson 24: “We’re a little late so let’s hurry”
Lesson 25: “What’s in the briefcase”
Lesson 26: “Do you remember”

Let’s Learn Japanese Basic II

Lesson 27: “I think I can be there by 4pm”
Lesson 28: “Maybe You Should Go And Meet Her Soon”
Lesson 29: “He said he’s going to Nagasaki today”
Lesson 30: “I got them from a friend”
Lesson 31: “We’re thinking of singing Beethoven’s ninth”
Lesson 32: “Try reading the Japanese”
Lesson 33: “It’s nice and clean now”
Lesson 34: “Will you turn up the volume on the TV a little bit”
Lesson 35: “Turn the stove off when you leave the room”
Lesson 36: “I’m so bored I don’t know what to do”
Lesson 37: “Shall I change the towel”
Lesson 38: “Mr Terada has been taking care of me”
Lesson 39: “If this design is chosen I’ll go back to my country”
Lesson 40: “You mustn’t tell Yan”
Lesson 41: “He doesn’t seem to be there”
Lesson 42: “Even if we invite him I don’t think he’ll come”
Lesson 43: “I was in a hurry so I couldn’t buy it”
Lesson 44: “I’m planning to see the sea visit old houses and so on”
Lesson 45: “It’s hard, working like that in this snow”
Lesson 46: “What’s this fish called”
Lesson 47: “The sakura hasnt bloomed yet has it”
Lesson 48: “Theres Only One Bottle Left”
Lesson 49: “We’ll Miss You When You’Re Gone”
Lesson 50: “I’ve Never Traveled Abroad Before”
Lesson 51: “Give it to him when he’s come down”
Lesson 52: “If you’re ever in Japan again please stop by”

Để biết thêm thông tin về Bộ clips học tiếng Nhật: Let’s Learn Japanese (4.21 GB)  này, xin vui lòng liên hệ theo:
Phạm Thanh Hùng
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Skype: hung.vcid
Email:  info@gioithieu.com.vn
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